With higher pay comes better quality of what you pay for. People who seek easy shortcuts and buy discounted items weather food or other items are better off not buying anything at all.
If you buy cheap fast food, you know it's not as healthy as buying expensive organic food. When you by a cheap electronic device, you're better off not buying one at all.
As an example, I once got a cheap discounted DVD player at Walmart for less than forty dollars. With it came a whole bunch of problems such as the picture quality deceasing and returning every few seconds. The DVD jamming and resuming also every few seconds. No sane person I can think of would want to watch a movie in happiness with such trash quality.
I was better off not getting it at all. The same goes for everything. I bought a PC desktop for only $100 because the other computers got stolen. But these cheap PCs weren't that good and had pirated copies of windows running on them.
People who look for ways to save money by buying such cheap products are actually wasting more money than saving.
Every dollar you spend on getting a decent quality item comes in the quality suitable for the consumer.