People generally seem to know that customers can be rude and burdening to those who work in customer service. A lot of customers demand perfection and make excuses not to pay up. At other times instead of offering construction criticism, they resort to harassment.
I'm definitely not one of those people. My parents can be like that at times, but not me. I generally like to avoid arguments and fights. I also feel sympathetic towards such people who work hard for little pay.
But at the same time I don't like being picked on by people for no reason be it they are working class in the customer service or any individual. However, Canada or North America in general has no shortage of rude and hostile people including recent immigrants as I covered in this post.
While there may be no shortage of rude customers, there is no shortage of rude and dangerous people in customer service either. What do I mean by that?
I'm referring to people who can behave rudely or even violently without the slightest regard for the consequences they may face. Many have a strange impression that being put in a workplace somehow makes it theirs.
As an example I seriously hate the conduct of the public transport we have here in a city in Canada. Weather it is rudeness, inefficiency, arrogance and false authoritarianism, I just developed this hatred from nowhere.
What's more is they have all these warning signs on their buses, stations about legal consequences of threatening/assaulting a public transport employee and that it occurs on a daily basis. I don't advocate violence or anything of that sort, but I never sympathize with those who provoke it instead of those who were provoked into committing such acts.
Then about a year ago, I stumbled across a website with listed complaints by contributors and an entire forum. I had come across similar complaints in newspapers, but it did not compare to the experience I personally had.
Sure it was great to know I wasn't the only one who had these problems with the public transport, but some cases I read were quite extreme. One instance was of a bus driver listening to music and honking away through residential neighborhoods. At the end of the trip, a passenger pointed out to the driver there was no need to be honking the whole time and disturbing the passengers as well as residents.
The bus driver angrily replied "get of 'my' bus."
This is just a reflection of my experience with the rude waitress in the restaurant in the linked post when she told to get out of there following an argument we had.
Another case I read was of a girl who wasn't carrying a student card to validate her pass in which the bus driver abruptly snatched her card. She pleaded for him to return it but he laughed her off. When leaving the bus she cursed him by which he retaliated by shoving her hard.
To get to the point, these are the types of people who have jobs in customer service. Why do they behave like that?
They consist of people who have never finished or even been to school so they never learned how to respect others and authority in a social environment.
They have never faced consequences for actions that could get them into trouble with not only their employers but also the law. The examples mentioned earlier in this post prove my point.
While they have no regards for their social conduct or facing consequences to behave the way they do, people should start to wonder why so many incidents of threats and assaults occur against public transport employees.
As mentioned, I do not advocate violence or anything of that sort. However I do advocate punitive measures against such people. Because they did not learn to behave during childhood, it is important they learn it during adulthood. If you do come across a person in customer service who is senselessly rude or intimidating, never hesitate to lodge a formal complaint with their employees.
Standing up to such people is in your best interests because if you don't, you are likely to develop into an under confident, weak personality. It doesn't just stop at people in customer service, but with rude people in general. Once these people are taught a lesson that other people have feelings too, they will learn to control their behavior.
This post may have more added to it later on, but stops here for now.
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