If you are a seller on any of Amazon's branches, be careful of what you sell. Selling more heavy items like large books or DVD box sets could cost you a lot in shipping.
This is despite that Amazon giving you a rough estimate on how much the shipment will cost. I recently sold a six disc box set of Planet of the Apes on DVD and the shipping cost me over ten dollars of what the estimate of what Amazon gave.
I obviously tried to pursue it and when I managed to get a caller to contact me, he tried to justify the whole thing by claiming Amazon does not give the exact amount. I asked for an email or phone number to be able to pursue this. He ended up giving me an email that was not valid.
I couldn't bother pursuing the whole thing all over again. But it taught me a lesson not to sell anything large or heavy that will cost far more than the shipping price enlisted by Amazon. All sellers need to take this into consideration if they're planning on making their Amazon sales profitable.
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