Monday, October 10, 2011

What you need to know and do before adopting a pet

If you plan on adopting a pet, you must consider the following conditions:

-Responsibility. That's the most important thing. A pet is not a toy, but a living thing with feelings. It's not just about being able to feed the creature and meet it's physical needs, but also emotional needs.
When you give birth to a child or adopt one, are you not obliged to give the attention and meet their emotional needs? The same is true for a pet.

-Commitment. It's a different thing from responsibility. It's about holding on to that responsibility no matter what. Unless of course there is a list to you and your loved ones such as disease or aggressive behavior form the pet.

-Desire. Life teaches us you cannot succeed most of the time in things that you do not desire. If you do not desire to be a pianist, it is unlikely you will become a successful one.
Likewise if you do not enjoy always having the company of pets all the time, you must not even consider being a permanent pet owner/guardian.

Those are the most obvious points that most people would expect, but now I want to mention things that are not carefully considered in most cases.

If you have children who have regular "sibling wars" over new things that are meant to be shared by them such as toys or house gifts, beware of pet adoption. If both are fighting over a pet's attention and responsibility, it could be an extremely difficult situation for the pet to cope with.

Children in general also lack responsibility due to their young age. It is best children are not given the responsibility of a pet until an older age just before their teenage years begin.

It's also understandable that a pet with a diagnosed long-term illness is a burden to take care of; hence it is extremely important to ensure the pet does not have any diseases or illnesses if you do not wish to be burdened by it.

Also it is advisable to adopt and care for one pet before deciding to adopt another. Too many pets can result in over time consumption on caring for them. If your experience with one pet gives you assurance that you can care for another or a few more, only then should you opt for more pets.

Also if you wish the least responsibility with pet ownership, it is advisable to adopt a cat instead of a dog as cats are generally more independent and less social than dogs.

These are important thing you need to know when considering adopting one or more pets.